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Our Top 10 Testosterone boosting super foods.
  • by Bertie Stringer

Our Top 10 Testosterone boosting super foods.

Healthy testosterone levels are crucial for general health, disease risk, body composition, sexual function and just about everything else. There are many foods out there to increase testosterone. But, we thought we'd bring you a list of the most beneficial ones.

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Every day Pharmaceuticals that devastate testosterone levels.
  • by Bertie Stringer

Every day Pharmaceuticals that devastate testosterone levels.

Recent studies have shed some light on drugs’ effects on testosterone. They offer some insights into many ways where current lifestyles are playing a role in the rapid low testosterone levels. It is happening globally across all age groups.

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5 Proven ways to boost your testosterone naturally.
  • by Bertie Stringer

5 Proven ways to boost your testosterone naturally.

From strength training to getting a solid 8 hours sleep in sync with your circadian rhythm, we explore 5 natural, healthy ways to increase your testosterone levels naturally.

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Why you're half the man your father was.
  • by Bertie Stringer

Why you're half the man your father was.

A man in his 30's in 2024 has the same level of testosterone as a man did in his 70's in 1990 as testosterone levels have dropped by 50% in 50 years due to environmental toxins and lifestyle factors. Find out more about what is going on and what you can do to protect your testosterone health.

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Testosterone Myths Debunked
  • by Bertie Stringer

Testosterone Myths Debunked

At DNA, we aim to educate and inform about all aspects of men’s health.

Particularly, the very misunderstood subject of hormonal health, testosterone and Andropause.

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8 Reasons Testosterone is rapidly declining.
  • by Bertie Stringer

8 Reasons Testosterone is rapidly declining.

A man in his 30's in 2024 has the same level of testosterone as a man in his 70's in 1990.

Testosterone naturally taper off with age (as does oestrogen in women). Declining at 1% - 2% from age 30, but there are now many other factors that are causing testosterone levels to drop. The global levels are decreasing year on year.

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Healthy Sleep = Happy Hormones
  • by Bertie Stringer

Healthy Sleep = Happy Hormones


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Do I have low Testosterone?
  • by Sheldon Stringer

Do I have low Testosterone?

With testosterone levels half that of what it was 50 years ago, if you think you might have low testosterone, chances are, you probably do. But, here is a guide to look out for if you think your levels are running on the low side.

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How to Spot Low Testosterone Symptoms in Men
  • by Bertie Stringer

How to Spot Low Testosterone Symptoms in Men

Ever wondered about the subtle forces that can impact your overall well-being? Step into the realm of low testosterone symptoms – a silent adversary stealthily eroding the vitality and vigour of modern men.

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